Techspray offers a large array of electronic cleaning wipes for a variety of applications, including cleanroom, PCB rework, polishing, and maintenance. A large number of different materials are available to meet each unique requirement.
- Cleanroom Wipes: Meet the particulate count and extractables for Class 10 / ISO Class 4 and Class 100 / ISO Class 5 cleanrooms.
- Maintenance Wipes: Lower cost, high quality wipers for heavy-duty cleaning.
- Delicate Task Wipes: Cellulose tissue for light cleaning, like in lab settings.
- Microfiber Wipes: Polishing wipes that are ideal for screen and display cleaning, with or without a cleaner.
- SMT Roll Wipes: DEK and MPM understencil roll wipes to fit the most common printers.
Click here for wipe selection guide